Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Joni Mitchell-Blue

Probably her best album.  This one contains most of her hits but there are some really good ones on here that you usually dont hear too often.  Like "The Last Time I Saw Richard."  Great lyrics on that final track of the LP and you can see what Joni is talking about.  Kind of puts you in her shoes.  This album is up there with the other great folk albums of the 60s like Bob Dylan's Freewheelin and Simon and Garfunkels string of great albums. 

I have heard so many great albums in my life time that to make a top ten list would be almost impossible but if I were to make one I would have to think this would be one of the first cd's to come to mind. Like Dylan's Blood on the Tracks it blends poetry with heartfelt emotion but Mitchell's poetry is always more intimate and personal than Dylan's and never more so than here.  Also Stephen Stills and James Taylor lend a hand on this LP

- Joni Mitchell - Appalachian dulcimer, Guitar, Piano, Lead-Vocals.
- Stephen Stills - Bass, Guitar.
- James Taylor - Guitar.
- Sneaky Pete Kleinow - Pedal Steel Guitar.
- Russ Kunkel - Drums.

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