Wednesday, October 20, 2010


The 9th album from this Japanese power trio band. Their initial gigs being at the famed Roppongi Pit-inn jazz club in Japan. They definately sound like they were influenced by Tribal Tech and Scott Henderson. There is very little information I can find on this band. The trio can really make some colorful sounds and is heavy on the synthesizer. Kind of sounds like Cyber fusion. They are virtually unknown to any other country besides Japan. They came out in 1992 and had a small following. Guitarist Mike Stern was the engineer for the album "No Wet" and that was recorded in NYC. The guitar player for this band, Koichi Yabori, is a self-name Pat Metheny freak and often will imitate Pat's tone's on stage.  This is a good album.  Grab it.

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Link 3

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